Paper Cowgirl was a huge hit! I had such a great time!! I met some fabulous newbies and saw lots of friendly familiar faces too. We crafted, shopped around the huge antique square, ate (cupcakes and frosting shots were my fav!), and then oohed and ahhed over the lovelies during Vendor Night.
Meet and Greet and Swap Night!!

My sweet friend Nancy

Nancy and LaVerne headed up the darling Paper Doll Swap. Aren't they incredible?

Here are some of the fantastic flowers from the Blossom Swap I hosted. We ended up having two Blossom Swaps!

One-to-one swap "Cowgirl Banner and Cuff" created by the talented Kathy. I'll hang the banner in my art studio!
My Digi Art Girl class was a blast! I saw unsure eyes, confused eyes, and then wide set excited "Did I do THAT?!" eyes. I was thrilled!! Thank you ladies for trying something "out of the box" this weekend! Photos of my class will be coming asap. I had a friend take some shots while I was teaching.

Eating at the "Haunted" Catfish Plantation was southern cooking at it's finest. We ate so much incredible fried food...wow!
Joanna and I eating friend pickles, fried sweet potatoes, friend onion rings, fried catfish, friend hushpuppies, french fries....well anything and everything fried!

Artsy Friends Jennifer and Jana enjoying southern cooking!
Shopping and Cupcakes with Carol and Tanya
We shopped Old Town Waxahachie. Here are some of my "finds."

Vendor Night was magical!
Lots of goodies every inch of the convention center.
Here I am in my booth!

This is my sweetie friend Ann Denise. Her booth was amazing!! It was right next to mine...

The one and only "head cowgirl" Cindy Mayfield. She's the one in charge...love her!

Some of the teachers this year...from the left Deb, Joanna, Me, Jennifer B., Ann Denise, and Cindy G. We're waiting for our cupcakes and frosting shots!!

My good friends Carol and Tanya came with me this year to PC. They loved every minute!
Here I am with my other "vendor neighbor," darling Deb and another fun teacher this year, Chantal.

Here are a few of the goodies I purchased Vendor Night...

More later with photos from my Digi Art class!