I was SO lucky that our house didn't have any major damage. I saw many of our huge pine trees in the street, some on garages, and homes too! We picked up the many branches that fell down on our corner lot. Everyone was outside cleaning up soon after. We ended up grilling everything we had in the fridge. Our favorite was grilled frozen pizzas. They DO grill nicely! I think I missed my computer and phone most of all. We had no land lines or cell connection. We didn't want to waste any gas, because gas was not easy to find! We walked to friends' houses to see how they were. Some had generators to keep at least a refrigerator going. Of course we didn't...ggrr!
I did make some use of daylight! Since I had no electricity, I used my E6000 to help me create a few things! My first creation ....a homecoming mum for my son's date next weekend. Remember Texas Homecoming Mums?? The heaviest and "most tacky" mums are the best!!

Hope she will enjoy it!
Thanks again for your sweet comments on Ike. We are all safe and sound! :) Mendy