Back from Paper Cowgirl 2011 with a carload of vintage goodies, and a memory of a fabulous weekend! Loved seeing old friends and making new ones this year. We started with a meet and greet at the Dove's Nest, where instructors were introduced, and Lisa Pace spoke on publishing artwork. The Swap Exchange was the next event. My swaps were amazing!! I received a gorgeous nametag from Cassie and an romantic styled inspiration board from Suzy. The next day I gave my Digi Art Girl Class. I was so excited to have a full house..and them some! We created some fun projects and learned new tricks and tips. This was my second year to teach a digi class.
Friday evening was Cowgirl Prom Night! We gathered at the town's historical downtown shopping area and ate and shopped. My favorite shops were the Crafty Scrapper and the Dove's Nest. We ended the night with cupcakes and frosting shots (yum!)at a darling shop called Polkadots.
Saturday morning I took a class from my Silver Bella friend, Karla Nathan. We made the cutest little dress form! I loved all that she said and taught. She's a doll!
Saturday night was Vendor Night. My booth was right near the booths of Ann Denise, Joanna, and Jennifer B. The shopping was crazy fun!! Got a few things...
Here are some random shots of the weekend!! Can't wait til next year!

Shopping at the Crafty Scrapper!

The Dove's Nest

Dove's Nest Goodies

Appetizers and Tea at the Dove's Nest Tea Room.

My PC roomies Tanya from The Woodlands, and Carol from Austin!! We had so much fun "taking in" all the excitement!!

My new New York friend Betti! She took Karla's class with me.

Sweet Joanna and I...loved seeing my old friend again!

Had so much fun with Jennifer. She came with her daughter and mom.

My nametag that the oh so talented Cassandra made me! She used my little girl photo! I love it.

Here is the final dressform that I made in Karla's class. I have her on my dresser now! Made her with an old Barbie doll...thanks to Tanya!

I LOVE my incredible inspiration board made by swap partner Suzy "Buttons"!

Here I am with Karla Nathan! SO glad she came down from Kansas to be at PC!! Met her at Silver Bella.

Old friends and new. I just met the fun duo Nicky and Tammy! We ate together and they both took my digi class. They are a HOOT! I met Donna at Stamp Asylum a while back. She's really talented!

The one and only Cindy Mayfield! Creator of this year's PC!! She's a gem!!

Fort Worth's Cassie and I at the nametag swap. She made mine!

Ann Denise is a sweet friend and a MAJOR creator. She made the magnificent huge dressform that greeted us each day.

My Digi Art Girl class

My Vendor Booth Saturday night.

I sold out of my signature dyed flowers!
And where did I get the most giggles??? From the crown that I earned as "Miss Congeniality!" tehe! Something to remember forever! Now back to real life...:)
Here's me and Marsha Albee...we both won an award!